Hooghly District All Blocks Phone Number West Bengal (WB)

We are providing here contacts details of the Hooghly District all Blocks phone number.

There are 18 blocks; some of them are  Chanditala Haripal, Tarakeswar, Balagarh Chinsurah-Mogra, etc. People who need the help of Hooghly District all block contact number & Email id West Bengal can check their queries in the table.

Hooghly District All Blocks Phone Number

1.BDO, Chinsurah -Mogra26843453, 26846239
Email- magra@nic.in
2.BDO, Pandua(03213) 266311, (03213) 266061
Email - bdopandua@rediffmail.com
3.BDO, Balagarh(03213) 260236
Email - bdobala@yahoo.co.in
4.BDO, Polba - Dadpur(03213) 266587
Email - bdopolbadadpur@gmail.com
5.BDO, Dhaniakhali(03213) 255283,(03213) 255249
Email - dnk_bdo@yahoo.co.in
6.BDO, Singur2630-1349, 2630-0875
Email - bdosingur@yahoo.co.in
7.BDO, Haripal(03212) 242271
Email - bdo_hpl@yahoo.co.in
8.BDO, Tarakeswar(03212) 276121
Email - bdotarakeswar@gmail.com, tarakeswarbdo@hotmail.com
9.BDO, Srirampore-Uttarpara(03212) 26625123
Email - bdosrp_utp@yahoo.co.in
10.BDO, Chanditala-I(03212) 241318 (03212) 241236
Email - bdochanditala1@gmail.com
11.BDO, Chanditala-II(03212) 260221
Email - chanditala2@rediffmail.com
12.BDO, Jangipara(03212) 259237
Email - jangiparablock@yahoo.com
13.BDO, Pursurah(03212) 255049
Email - bdo_p@rediffmail.com
14.BDO, Arambagh(03211) 255861
Email - bdoarambagh@gmail.com
15.BDO, Khanakul-I(03211) 255210, (03211) 266241
Email - khanakul1@yahoo.com, bdo_khanakul@sanchamet.in
16.BDO, Khanakul-II(03211) 266214
Email - bdokhn2@rediffmail.com
17.BDO, Goghat-I(03211) 244258
Email - bdo_goghat2@gmail.com
18.BDO, Goghat-II(03211) 244241
Email - bdogoghat1@gmail.com, bdogogha1@yahoo.com

In West Bengal (WB) Hooghly is one of the 23 districts which includes total 18 blocks. All are headed by block development officers. The block administration arranges for the welfare of people living there.

So, if you are looking for sources to make contact with block employees you can get it from the table.


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