Hazaribagh BDO, CO Phone Number – All Blocks

BDO and CO in each block in Hazaribagh have their official number to interact with the resident of the district. Total 16 blocks are currently working in Hazaribagh for the betterment of people living in the district. Chouparan, Tatijharia, Katkamsandi, Bishnugarh and Ichak, Barkagaon, Bishnugarh are some of these.  Here, we have written Hazaribagh BDO, CO Phone Number of all blocks in Hazaribagh. See under –

Hazaribagh BDO, CO Phone Number

1.BDO, Chouparan9973716259
2.BDO, Tatijhariya7781919066
3.BDO, Katkamsandi8789790191
4.BDO, Bishnugarh9572374428
5.BDO, Ichak8521636769
6.BDO, Barkagaon9097771343
7.BDO, Keredari9471728344
8.BDO, Barkatha8709570939
9.BDO, Katkamdag7779985429
10.BDO, Sadar8825191792
11.BDO, Daru7870256324
12.BDO, Churchu9546197022
13.BDO, Padma7903665317
14.BDO, Chalkusa9934763011
15.BDO, Barhi8084498291
16BDO, Dadi9835323009
17.CO, Sadar8825191792
18.CO, Tatijhariya9431350127
19.CO, Katkamsandi8210769639
20.CO, Padma7903665317
21.CO, Churchu9546197022
22.CO, Barkagaon9931531995
23.CO, Ichak8709684012,
24.CO, Keredari9431586195
25.CO, Katkamdag7779985429
26.CO, Daru9097683825
27.CO, Chouparan9470560579
28.CO, Barhi8789566643
29.CO, Chalkusa9934763011
30.CO, Barkatha7992210492
31.CO, Dadi9835323009
32.CO, Bishnugarh8521896424

Block Development Officer (BDO) leads the developmental and administrative activities of the block. Being in charge of the block, all the activity associated with development, administration, electoral, or other lies under his authority. The works are almost public-oriented. So people often need to visit the BDO office and make phone calls.

CO is the head of Anchal office and some police forces are deputed.

The data regarding Hazaribagh BDO, CO Phone Number are from its official website and up to date. The given contact info of BDO, CO is an appropriate medium to interact with them for your respected issues.




  1. Suraj kumar says:

    Thank you for giving up the contact no

  2. dhaneswar Prasad says:

    this is very good information in daily life. very nice. sir.

  3. dhaneswar Prasad says:

    sir, I am very happy to get the co contact no. If we get no. with his name then it is more effective.

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