Guna Phone Number DM, Collector, SP, NIC Phone Numbers MP

1.DM(07542) 255626
2.Chief Executive Officer(07542) 254309
3.Deputy Collector(07542) 255666
4.SDM Guna(07542) 252644
5.Chief Medical and Health Officer(07542) 252612
6.District Informatics Officer(07542) 254419
7.DEO (07542) 252597
8.District Planning Officer(07542) 252878
9.District Food Officer(07542) 252275
10.District Tribal Department(07542) 252572
11.Deputy Director, DPRO(07542) 256379
12.Executive Engineer, Public Works Department(07542) 252608
13.Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering(07542) 252358
14.District Excise Office(07542) 252253
15.Women and Child Development Officer(07542) 250168
16.DTO(07542) 252237
17.Project Officer (PO DUDA) (In-Charge)(07542) 253261
18.Deputy Director,Social Justice Department(07542) 252202
19.Executive Engineer,RES Guna(07542) 254440
20.Chief Municipal Officer(07542) 252622


  1. bhavna sehariya says:

    There is very bad condition of tribal girl hostel of Guna M.P situated near khedapati colony behind KK Bazaz showroom on old A.B road guna M.P .So kindly help poortribal girls residencing there.

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