Guna District SP, DSP, Police Station Phone Number

In Guna, 19 police stations are appointed in solving different criminal cases as per policy and guideline. They are AJK Guna , Aron , Bajaranggarh, Bamori, Cantt Guna, Chachoda, Dharnawada, Fatehgarh, Guna Kotwali, Jamner, Kumbhraj, Myana, Raghogarh, Sirsi , Vijaypur, Binaganj , Janjali, Maksudangarh , Mrigwas . Now we are mentioning Guna district SP, DSP, SDPO police station phone number one by one in tabular form.

Guna District  SP, DSP, Police Station Phone Number

S.No.Post / Police StationContact
1.SP(07542) 256300,
2.ASP(07542) 255745,
3.SDOP (07542) 250704,
4.SDOP Raghogarh (07544) 262228,
5.AO, SB (07542) 254325
6.DSB(07542) 252445
7.FSL(07542) 252645,
8.RI (07542) 252535
9.Wireless C/R(07542) 252085
10.Control Room(07542) 251689
11.AJK Guna (PS)(07542) 255395
12.Aron (PS)(07545) 258227
13.Bajaranggarh (PS)(07542) 257623
14.Bamori (PS)(07540) 270309
15.Cantt Guna (PS)(07542) 252225
16.Chachoda (PS)(07546) 240228
17.Dharnawada (PS)(07544) 264310
18.Fatehgarh (PS)(07540) 271728
19.Guna Kotwali (PS)(07542) 254882
20.Jamner (PS)(07544) 261052
21.Kumbhraj (PS)(07546) 243242
22.Myana (PS)(07542) 247622
23.Raghogarh (PS)(07544) 262226
24.Sirsi (PS)(07540) 290599
25.Vijaypur (PS)(07544) 262144
26.Binaganj (PS)(07546) 240373
27.Janjali (PS)(07544) 261336
28.Maksudangarh (PS)(07544) 260578
29.Mrigwas (PS)(07544) 245351

Superintendent of the police (SP) supervises all official related work in the region. He manages service record of the police force, government vehicles and others reliable duties. SP also organizes meeting with other police officers for protection purpose of the region. Deputy Superintendent of the police (DSP) is the head of the division. DSP control all policy work, keeping the information of all development area and supervises all other important cases as per order given by SP. All police force performs daily routine works in the region.

The written information of Guna district SP, DSP police station phone number is up to date and helpful for the people of the region up to certain extent. You can find here the contact number of all prevailing police station of Guna region.

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