Gumla Jharkhand Phone Number DC, DDC, AC, Commissioner

DC (Deputy Commissioner)223081223082
DDC (District Development Officer)223085223086
Additional Collector (Ceiling)223066

About : –  The climate of Gumla district is healthy during the winter season and moderate in the summer. Simply it has good atmosphere. Gumla receives the average rainfall is round about 1,150 mm. The level of temperature is maximum 40 to 20 degree Centigrade in summer and lowest is 21 to 3 degree Centigrade in winter. Density of inhabitants of this district is 193 people per square km. Total population growth rate are 23.21 % according to the census of 2011. 6.43% populace of this district are belongs to urban area and 93.57% population are lives in the rural area of Gumla district. There are number of attractive places in the Gumla shire. Some are important through religious point of view and some are outing places. District is blessed of nature beauty. Taraloya is a beautiful waterfall and ideal for picnic spot.

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