Goonj Organization Phone Number, Email id And Address

Goonj is a non-governmental organisation based on which undertakes disaster welfare, compassionate aid and neighbourhood development in parts of many states across in India. It recycles the reject clothes and household product makes useful goods for the poverty people in different ways. It also works infrastructure and local development scheme in villages and slum areas. This group establishing an active distribution work for reusable stock lying in metropolitan, well-off households. Here we are mentioning contact number, Email id and address for the people. These contact number is somehow helpful for the people.  we are showing the contact number and email id given below if you face any types of query you may contact this number.

Goonj Organization Phone Number, Email-id And Address

Phone number – 91 – 11 – 41401216, 26972351

Email id –

Address – J – 93, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi –  76, India


In India, million of people belongs to the poverty in the majority of the poor living in the villages. So, this group performs their contribution work in slum areas. people donate goods and clothes from their house, offices, and institution in the metropolitan area to donate to rural and slum areas. This is charitable organization provides aid to the metropolitan as well as rural masses by the help of Indian government.

This organization steps in the progression of the victim suffering from disasters in this world. It is successful mission started by some intellectual people who are fulfilling the basic needs of clothes and others beneficial material for the victim. There has been tremendous financial help and support donation but NGO is looking forward to continuously enhance the corporation and support it is associated with. If you are someone who can volunteers for the kind of work you can refer to NGO contact details mentioned here. For contributing your efforts financially  for supporting this NGO. you may refer to the Goonj Organization Phone Number, Email id And Address from this website.


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