Giridih District BDO, CO, Phone Number – All blocks

BDO and CO of all the blocks in a district have its own official phone number like other officers. Giridih comprises 14 blocks. In all the blocks, BDO and CO are working. As these posts hold great importance so everyone in a block can have the requirement to  make contact with them. Hence, we are writing Giridih District BDO, CO, Phone Number of all the blocks in Giridih District.


Giridih Inspector / OC Phone Number – Dumri, Tisri, Muffasil, Jamua, Hirodih

Giridih District BDO, CO, Phone Number

1.BDO, Bengabad9122396877
2.BDO, Deori 9431561068
3.BDO, Dhanwar9430120586
4.BDO, Dumri 8002528320
5.BDO, Gandey9835514013
6.BDO, Gawan9431650012
7.BDO, Giridih 7870523015
8.BDO, Jamua 9546489648
9.BDO, Pirtand 7739136363
10.BDO, Tisri7782924209
12.BDO, Sariya8969599763
13.BDO, Bagodar-
14.BDO, Birni-
15.CO, Gandey9973952456
16.CO, Gawan 9631920347
17.CO, Pirtand9470128210
18.CO, Jamua7542959977
19.CO, Giridih9431906136
20.CO, Sariya 8969599763
21.CO, Bagodar9430140930
22.CO, Bengabad8986746021
23.CO, Deori9430120586
24.CO, Birni-
25.CO, Dhanwar-
26.CO, Dumri-
27.CO, Tisri-

People living in any of the blocks Bengabad, Deori, Dhanwar, Dumri, Gandey, Gawan, Jamua, Pirtand, Suriya in Giridih District would need to call these officers whether it is development or official or PDS, Electoral or welfare related issues. CO is the head of the Anchal of the regarding blocks. So you can contact him for anchal related works.

If you want to call them use Giridih District BDO, CO, Phone Number without any hesitation, since these are the numbers released from the office.




  1. Hello, I am Baleshwar Prajapati, I want to CO, Dhanwar contact details with email Id.

  2. sudhir kumar mandal says:

    I want the contact no. Of c.o and b.d.o birni block

  3. Deepak kumar gupta says:

    I want jamua BDO contacts number

  4. I want contact number of bdo birni block & Co also

  5. Uthkarsh Kumar says:

    Letter no 2406 date 24/06/2023 reg.kabristan gherabandi

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