Geico Customer Services Phone Numbers

Geico customer services phone numbers are available here everyone. If you are looking for auto insurance, then Geico is the name, you can trust upon. The Government Employees and Insurance Company came into existence to serve auto insurance for government staffs in nineteen hundred thirty six.

First of all, we have to understand that why auto insurance is so important in our life. In many countries it is mandatory and it makes you eligible for driving. Automobiles definitely increase your mobility, but at the same time, we put your life is in danger and others’ life as well during driving. You can see that how today’s newspapers are full of accidents news and it cost our life and property as well. Therefore insurance is must because they help us that time. It does not matter that accident takes place because of your own fault or by others.

Geico Customer Services Phone Numbers

S.NOName of ServicesPhone Number
1.Geice Customer Services Phone Number1-800-207-7847
2.GEICO Toll-Free Customer Service Phone Number1- 800-841-3000
3.Geico Auto Glass Claims Services Number1-800-510-2291
4.Geico Emergency Road Service Number
Call (24/7)
5.Geico Auto Pay by Phone Number (24/7) 1-800-932-8872
6.Geico Motorcycle & ATV Insurance Services Number

7.Geico Mechanical Breakdown Claims Services Number 1-800-443-7411
8.Geico Military Customers Services Number 1-800-645-4827
9.Geico Overseas Insurance Services Phone Number 1-800-248-4998
10.Geico Hearing Impaired Service 1-800-833-8255
Geico Collector Auto Sales Services Phone Number 1-800-841-2964

Geico is a sister company of BERKSHIRE  HATHWAY. It simply means Berkshire Hathway is the owner of Geico Insurance co.  Geico stood 2nd position in U.S. auto insurance market. They provide much cheaper services rather than its competitors like State Farm, All-State, Amica Mutual Insurance, Progressive, etc.

Geico is the most trusted name of the industry because they take care of their consumers and provide outstanding customer care services. They make contact with their customers directly on phone and internet and appoint customer service representatives for this purpose. These representatives are solely responsible for answer calls, explain Insurance coverage, handle customer inquiries, and update policies. That’s why Geico has more than 15 million satisfied policyholders in U.S alone.  Geico is also popular for its expensive ad campaign and motorsport sponsorship. Recently they spent more than one billion on their advertising, which is 10% of their total revenue.

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