All Gas agency Gaya Phone Numbers, Address, Bihar

All Gas agency Gaya Phone Numbers are available right here for your convenience. As you are aware it is a basic need of every home. Nowadays everyone is cooking food on gas because It is an easier way than electricity and other mediums. Additionally, you could save your time, energy, and your environment as well.

Therefore, we are providing all Gas agency Gaya Phone Numbers and addresses to make your life easier. You could make an inquiry regarding new connections, refill availability, and other issues.

In this post, you could get “Maa Shanti HP Gas Agency”, “Shobhraj HP  Agency”, and “Buddha HP Gas Gramin Vitarak”. You would find Rekha Bharat gas, Anshu Indane, Shivam gas agency, etc Phone numbers as well. These numbers will definitely help you to find out gas-related issues. Here, you could get the address of all gas distributors in the city.

All Gas agency Gaya Phone Numbers

S.No.Name of DistributorAddressPhone Number
1.Maa Shanti Hp Gas Agency Janku Niwas A P Colony Mustafabad
Gaya 823001
Bihar India
2.Shobhraj HP Gas AgencyNear Mirja Galib College,Gaya - 823 0010631-220555
3.Buddha HP Gas Gramin VitarakVILL .: Khiriyawan,
PO.: Bodhgaya,
Block : Bodhgaya,
Gaya, Bihar
4.Rekha Bharat GasPS-Mufassil Po-BuniyadganjJ Manpur Gaya,Bihar 8230039939493008
5.Gaya Bharat Gas Nand Kishore Lall Rd, Murarpur, Gaya, Bihar 823001
6.Anshu IndaneBisar Talab, Opp. I M Hall, Jaiprakash Nagar, Gaya, Bihar 823001
7.M/S Maa Ambey Indane Khachiya Road, Gaya, Bihar 824236
8.Gas Ghar

Near Chanduti Thana Gaya, Bihar 823001

9.Shivam Gas Agency

Dumuhan More Near Delta Hotel Bodhgaya Gaya 824231

10.Guru Vandana Bharat Gas Enterprises

Pitamaheshwar, Umesh Chandra Shankar,Ward no. 39, Holding no-16 Civil line area,Nadraganj, Gaya, Bihar 823001 823001


There are two types of gas supply facilities in the country. The first one is in cylinder form and the second one is through the pipeline. Both services are available for the use of residential and mercantile use. However, these facilities are mostly available in metro cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Surat, etc. But in rural India, people use cooking gas in cylindrical form and get the refill from their nearest distributor.

In India, the government provides subsidy on cooking gas, that it could be affordable for all. The rise of its prices is a very sensitive issue in the country.



  1. Tripurari pd Singh says:

    Worst service of Budha Gas Agency Khiriyama. No home delivery.

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