Gajapati Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha

Gajapati Odisha Phone Number District Level Officers refer to the contact information of the officers like DC, ADM, DSO, DEO, CDMO. They are appointed to look after the social, economic development works in the territory of the state. In this article, the table below displays the Gajapati Odisha contact Numbers of District Employment Officer, DLO, CDVO, District Sessions Judge, etc.

Gajapati Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha

1.DC(06815) 222397
2.ADM(06815) 223333
3.DEO(06815) 223803
4.District Sessions Judge(06815) 223233
5.DSO(06815) 222714
6.CDMO(06815) 222205
7.Executive Officer(06815) 222252
8.District Inspector9938467626
9.SCO(0680) 2281903
10.Dist. Sports Officer(06815) 224766
11.Executive Engineer(06815) 224803
12.DAO(06815) 222243
13.Deputy Director(06815) 222081
14.General Manager(06815) 222084
15.RTO(06815) 224233
16.District Employment Officer(06815) 222731
17.DLO(06815) 224662
18.Asst. Director(06815) 222280
19.District Sports Officer(06815) 224766
20.CDVO(06815) 222325
21.DIO(06815) 222704
22.DIPRO(06815) 222203
23.CSO(06815) 222523
24.DSWO(06815) 222025
25.DWO(06815) 222825
26.Project Officer(06815) 224852
27.DPC(06815) 222646
28.Sub Collector(06815) 222226
29.Project Administrator(06815) 222207

In Gajapati Odisha, the officers respond to the duty offers to them in District. DEO is the superior of the education department at the district level. All officers are deeply related to public matters so they often converge whether it is corporal or using phone calls. CDMO, District Sessions Judge, etc are equally important for the progress and peace in a region.

The given contact information with respect to DC, ADM, DSO, DEO, CDMO, etc is somehow useful to interact with them in your relevant issues.



  1. E rama rao behera says:

    Thanks for your good administration in gajapati district.

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