East Siang Phone Numbers District Level Officers Arunachal Pradesh

East Siang is the district of administration. it contains a small administrative domain where officers of this district manage all sector and handle any types of affairs happening in this district and they  also try to help the people in any situation. They really think about the development of this district and work on any subject.

East Siang Phone Numbers  District Level Officers

1.DC(03682) 222340
3.ADC Ruksin(03682) 227251
4.ADC Nari(03682) 245251
5.ADC Mebo(03682) 262210
6.Principal (03682) 222246
7.Metrological Officer
(03682) 223335
8.ICDS(03682) 222708
9.DVO(03682) 222295
10.DTO(03682) 222205
11.DTO(03682) 222222
12.DLIO(03682) 222350
13.DRO(03682) 222304
14.DRDA(03682) 222015
15.DAO(03682) 222261
16.DFDO(03682) 222376
17.CO, IRBN(03682) 222211
18.DHO(03682) 222403
19.CDPO(03682) 222113

East Siang district is surrounded by different types of mountains and hills. It is set up at the border of Assam. This district name derived from the Mighty River Siang that, coming from Tibet, where that’s called Tsangpo. One of the best feature of this district is ‘Adi’. One best feature of the Adi society that situated aside from the mainland is the obstacle of the caste system. DC’s work is like a Head of Department of Collectorate. ADC and ADM are two similar posts of this district who is deputed to support of  DC and they work an assistant of the Collector. DLIO looks after Library and Informatics sector and tries to available all facility. CDPO works on the object related to Child and sorts out affair.

If you need to get the help of East Siang Phone Numbers District Level Officers. You may see above and find it.

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