Dumka BDO, CO, CDPO, BEO Phone Number – All Blocks

In Dumka, total number of blocks is 10. Dumka, Gopikander, Jarmundi, Masaliya, Saraiyaghat, Ramgarh, Ranishwar, Jama, Shikaripada, Kathikund are names of these blocks. BDO, CO, CDPO, BEO working in Dumka have its own official Phone Number. We are writing here Dumka BDO, CO, CDPO, BEO Phone Number of all the Blocks.


Dumka Police Station Phone Number IG, DIG, SP

Dumka BDO, CO, CDPO, BEO Phone Number – All Blocks

1.BDO, Dumka9198750402
2.BDO, Gopikander9199057058,
3.BDO, Jarmundi7739043135
4.BDO, Masaliya7061040330
5.BDO, Saraiyaghat9534093283
6.BDO, Ramgarh8986774849
7.BDO, Ranishwar-
8.BDO, Jama-
9.BDO, Shikaripara-
10.CO, Jarmundi8002313224
11.CO, Ramgarh9430361876
12.CO, Dumka9430187786
13.CO, Shikaripara7762923023
14.CO, Kathikund-
15.CO, Ranishear-
16.CO, Saraiyahat8969988710
17.CO, Masalia9471353808
18.CO, Gopikander9430140187
19.CO, Jama8521458658
20.CDPO, Gopikander-
21.CDPO, Kathikund-
22.CDPO, Ramgarh-
23.CDPO, Jama-
24.CDPO, Kathikund-
25.BEO, Kathikund-
26.BEO, Gopikander-
27.BEO, Dumka Sadar-
28.BEO, Jarmundi North-
29.BEO, Jarmundi South-
30.BEO, Jama-
31.BEO, Ranishear-
32.BEO, Ranishear 2-
33.BEO, Shikaripara-
34.BEO, Dumka-
35.BEO, Ramgarh-
36.BEO, Saraiyahat-

Dumka is the small district in Jharkhand. BDO, CO, CDPO, BEO and other working officer play the vital role for the development of the blocks in Dumka. Block Development Officer (BDO) is appointed to look after the development work in each block. Circle Officer (CO) mostly responsible for land related issues. Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) is nominated to look after the child education, health and Block Education Officer (BEO) responsible to handle education works.

If you have any query to ask from them get from Dumka BDO, CO, CDPO, BEO Phone Number written in the table.



  1. Swarup Kumar pramanick says:

    Please let me know the name and address and phone number of the lady supervisor of saraiyaghat who died during her office hour

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