Dr. Samaram Gora Phone Numbers

Dr. Samaram Gora Phone NumbersYou would find Dr. Samaram Gora phone numbers here for all those who want to solve their health problems. Dr. Samaram is a famous doctor and if you are looking for the same, you are at the right place. He has a fame in Vijayawada region of Andhra Pradesh state of India. He is not only a doctor but also has expertise in general medicine, pediatrics, nutritionist and much more. These numbers could be helpful for all suffering people, who are in search of the same.

Vasavya Nursing Home is a multi-specialty hospital run by Dr. Samaram, where you could meet him regarding your issues. You can also make an online appointment with him on these numbers.  You could call on these numbers from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm on working days of the week. So, Dr. Samaram Gora’s phone numbers are useful for you, which is given below in a tabulated form.

Dr. Samaram Gora Phone Numbers

S.NONamePhone Number
1.Dr. Samaram Mobile Number +91 8008393969
+91 9848124977
2.Dr. Samaram FAX Number +91- 866 - 2484850
3.Dr. Samaram Office Phone Number
+91- 866 - 2970877
4.Dr. Samaram Appointment Number+ 91- 866 - 2472370

Dr. Samaram was born in 1939 in a very reputed freedom fighter family and his parents were the close associate of Mahatma Gandhi and active in the freedom struggle of India. Therefore, we can say that social service is in his blood. He is a doctor by profession, but instead, he is a social reformer and eager to do something for society for the welfare of human being.

Therefore, Dr. Samaram established Gora Foundation to serve the people of the region. The foundation is organizing blood donation camps, health check-up programs, HIV awareness programs, and much more for good of all. He is presently Director of Police Medicare Centre in his region and Certified Master Trainer in HIV/AIDS by National AIDS Control Organization. He is also an active member of the Rotary Club of Vijayawada. Dr. Samaram has written more than 100 books in his life on various issues.



  1. Subra surapan says:

    Dr goparaju Samaram is realist!!he is a true follower of gandhiji!!

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