Doctors JLN Marg Jaipur Phone Numbers With Specialisations

In JLN Marg Jaipur, many reputed doctors are available. If you want to get an appointment from home with any of these doctors you need his phone number. So we have written here Doctors JLN Marg Jaipur Phone Numbers. Some of these doctors are Dr. Anjum Khan, Dr. A.K.Singh, Dr. Navita Saini and Dr. Ashish K. Sharma specialists in Anesthesiology, Diabetes, Pediatrics, and Orthopedics.

You can see the list of Doctors Tonk Road Jaipur Phone Numbers with Specializations.

Doctors JLN Marg Jaipur Phone Numbers

S.No.Name / ClinicSpecialistContact
1.Dr. Anjum KhanAnesthesiology(0141) 2593258
2.Dr. R M MathurCardio(0141) 2617171
3.Dr. A.K.SinghDiabetes(0141) 2722978
4.Dr. Sandeep NijhawanGastroenterology(0141) 2722335
5.Dr. Ambrish GuptaGeneral Surgery(0141) 2570924
6.Dr. Nitin KhutetaOncology (0141) 3102402
7.Dr. Meenakshi SharmaOphthalmology (0141) 2724895
8.Dr. R K SharmaOphthalmology (0141) 2724895
9.Dr. RGS Eye Centre Retina FoundationOphthalmology (0141) 2724895
10.Dr. Ashish K SharmaOrthopaedics (0141) 2701805
11.Dr. D S MeenaOrthopaedics (0141) 2604050
12.Dr. Navita SainiPaediatrics (0141) 2554345
13.Dr. R K GuptaPaediatrics (0141) 2614040
14.Dr. Rajeev JainPaediatrics (0141) 2722299
15.Dr. K P SinghUrology(0141) 2721722
16.Dr. Peeyush TrivediAcupuncture & Acupressure(0141) 2743195


These doctors provide appointments to the patients through phone calls. They run clinics in different areas in JLN Marg Jaipur If you feel any inconvenience after taking treatment from a doctor these phone numbers can also come into use. Do comment if these Doctors JLN Marg Jaipur Phone Numbers work for you.

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