Doctors in Vidya Nagar Jaipur Phone Numbers With Specialization

Doctors in Vidya Nagar Jjaipur Phone Numbers (Rajasthan)

People living in Vidya Nagar might want to know the Doctors in Vidya Nagar jaipur Phone Numbers practicing nearby. If you are one of them you can get it from here. We are going to write the phone numbers of the doctors running their clinics in Vidya Nagar Area. So follow underneath.

S.No.Name / ClinicSpecialistContact
1.Dr. Soni ClinicAndrology(0141) 2306246
2.Dr. Kumar AsnaniAnesthesiology9829491589
3.Dr. Puneet Pratap SinghalAnesthesiology(0141) 2232653
4.Dr. Rajeev LakhotiaAnesthesiology(0141) 2290297
5.Dr. Manish JainChest & T.B. Specialists(0141) 2338257
6.Dr. Manohar Lal GuptaChest & T.B. Specialists(0141) 2236280
7.Dr. Arun JainDiabetes(0141) 2335920
8.Dr. Rakesh ParikhDiabetes(0141) 2339983
9.Dr. Nishi SonkhyaENT(0141) 2335106
10.Dr. Omendra Singh RatnuENT(0141) 2236162
11. Dr. rajesh k sainiENT(0141) 2235130
12.Dr. Dinesh ShahGeneral Surgery(0141) 2233296
13.Dr. K M ShrivastavGeneral Surgery(0141) 2619754
14.Dr. Kailash SharmaGeneral Surgery(0141) 2338261
15.Dr. Rashmi GoyalGynecology(0141) 2336470
16.Dr. Sharmila JalewaGynecology(0141) 2335122
17.Dr. Anil K baddayaHomeopathy(0141) 233646
18.Dr. Janardan SharmaPaediatrics (0141) 2236763
19.Dr. Sunil GolechaRadiology(0141) 2338474

You can get appointment using these numbers from any doctors in Vidya Nagar. In emergency, written phone number can greatly help you. Apart from these you can find time schedule of any doctor to consult him, know operation schedule, find whether the doctor is present or not at present.

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