Doctors in Jagatpura Jaipur Phone Numbers With Specializations

In Jagatpura Jaipur, few doctors with specializations in Pediatric, General Surgery and Pathology are treating patients. They are Dr. B Meena, Dr. A. A. Pathan, and Dr. Sanjay Raj. People needing to get appointments from them can call using the Doctors in Jagatpura Jaipur Phone Numbers in the table given below.

Doctors in Jagatpura Jaipur Phone Numbers

S.No.Dr. NameSpecialiastContact
1.Dr. B MeenaGeneral Surgery2720016
2.Dr. A A PathanSpecialist of Child Ailments2551460
3.Dr. Sanjay RajPathology2759079

Dr. A. A. Pathan is the specialist of Child Ailments (Paediatrics), Dr. B. Meena is a general surgeon and Dr. Sanjay Roy is a pathologist. Patients suffering from the diseases in which the doctors have specializations can get appointments to take treatment. Use the Doctors in Jagatpura Jaipur Phone Numbers written in the table and call the doctor with whom you want to meet.

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