Doctors Ajmer Road Jaipur Phone Numbers With Specializations

In Ajmer Road Jaipur, Some Doctors like Dr. Ritu Chouhan, Dr. CK Vyas, Dr. Bimal Chhajer, Dr. Rajesh Sharma, Dr. Navneet Kothari, Dr. Raja Ram Agarwal, Dr. Ramesh Chandra Wadhwani belonging to the specializations Gynecology, Anesthesiology, Cardiology, ENT, General Surgery, Neurology, Ophthalmology are running their clinics or working in hospitals. We are writing Doctors Ajmer Road Jaipur Phone Numbers.. See the table below:

Doctors Ajmer Road Jaipur Phone Numbers

1.Dr. CK VyasAnesthesiology(0141) 2351171
2.Dr. Gautam senCardio(0141) 2361775
3.Dr. Bimal ChhajerCardiology(0141) 4007141
4.Dr. Anil SharmaCardiothoracic(0141) 2228046
5.Dr. Gautam SenCardiothoracic(0141) 2361775
6.Dr. Ankit BansalChest & T.B. Specialists (0141) 2810079
7.Dr. Rajesh SharmaENT(0141) 2811195
8.Dr. Ajay SharmaGastroenterology(0141) 2350268
9.Dr. D B SharmaGeneral Surgery(0141) 2355047
10.Dr. Kamal Kishore PareekGeneral Surgery(0141) 2390249
11.Dr. Mal chand PooniaGeneral Surgery(0141) 2354942
12.Dr. Navneet KothariGeneral Surgery(0141) 2351716
13.Dr. Mridul Gehlot GyneOncology (0141) 2352135
14.Dr. Vinita AgarwalGynecologist &
Infertility Specialist
(0141) 2357416
15.Dr. Parmila AgarwalGynecology(0141) 2290055
16.Dr. Ritu ChouhanGynecology(0141) 2351770
17.Dr. Raja Ram AgarwalNeurology(0141) 2351895
18.Dr. Ranjana S DhamijaOphthalmology (0141) 2352332
19.Dr. T D DuttaOphthalmology (0141) 2811538
20.Dr. Ramesh Chandra WadhwaniOphthalmology (0141) 2351315
21.Dr. Om Prakash SharmaAcupuncture & Acupressure (0141) 2300516

You can find the doctors in this article All Doctors Gopalpura Jaipur Phone NumbersThese doctors are experts in their field. If you have any disease or want to take treatment for these phone numbers can help you. After medication, if you face any trouble you need to make contact with the doctor. These Doctors Ajmer Road Jaipur Phone Numbers can assist you to get an appointment, and other privileges.

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