Doctors Tonk Road Jaipur Phone Numbers with Specializations

All Doctors Tonk Road Jaipur Phone Numbers and STD Codes (Rajasthan)

In Tonk Road of Jaipur, some of the outstanding doctors run their practices having different specializations. Among them Narain Dixit, Banwair Sharma, Pushpa Lata Gupta, Sailesh Lodha, Vikram Goyal are important in Radiology, Allergy, Asthma, Immunology,  Anesthesiology,  Anrology, and Cardiology.  We are writing Doctors Tonk Road Jaipur Phone Numbers and STD Codes of these doctors.

S.No.Dr. Name / ClinicSpecialistContact
1.Narain DixitRadiology(0141) 2551721
2.Banwari SharmaAllergy, Asthma, Immunology(0141) 2742266
3.Sailesh LodhaAnrology(0141) 2724455
4.Pushpa Lata GuptaAnesthesiology(0141) 2545123
5.Ravindra Kumar GoyalAnesthesiology(0141) 2594215
6.Sita Ram GuptaAnesthesiology(0141) 2721314
7.Sushma BhatnagarAnesthesiology(0141) 2500483
8.Vijay GuptaAnesthesiology(0141) 2554139
9.Vikram GoyalCardio(0141) 2701281
10.G.S.KalraCardio(0141) 2722609
11.Ashok JainCardiology (0141) 2553555
12.K K KushwahaCardiothoracic (0141) 2701331
13.Narendra KhippalChest & T.B. Specialists(0141) 2552280
14.Jagdish Prasad SharmaENT (0141) 2708383
15.Ravindra Nath harshENT (0141) 2551404
16.Surendra Kumar BhuratENT (0141) 2708659
17.Khushi Ram TewaniGeneral Surgery(0141) 2551446
18.Anand Homoeo ClinicHomeopathy(0141) 2722706
19.Manish Agarwal Neurology(0141) 2709304
20.Avinash PurohitOphthalmology
(Eye Specialists)
(0141) 2593430
21.Guru Prasad GuptaOrthopedics
(Bone Specialists)
(0141) 2550951
22.Sp GuptaOrthopedics
(Bone Specialists)
(0141) 2551003
23.Anurag SamaPediatrics
(Child Specialists)
(0141) 2707189
24.Ashok Kumar SharmaPediatrics
(Child Specialists)
(0141) 2723344
25.Girish SharmaPediatrics
(Child Specialists)
(0141) 2501765
26.Kailash MeenaPediatrics
(Child Specialists)
(0141) 2591845
27.Kum Kum ShrivastavaPediatrics
(Child Specialists)
(0141) 2591408
28.Madhu PoddarPediatrics
(Child Specialists)
(0141) 2552464
29.Sanjay ShuklaPediatrics
(Child Specialists)
(0141) 2722679
30.V K ParewariyaPediatrics
(Child Specialists)
(0141) 2546122
31.K LokvaniPathology(0141) 2707466
32.Jayanti MehtaPathology(0141) 2550986
33.T N MishraPathology(0141) 2711784
34.InderlalPhysiatrists(0141) 2722276
35.Lokesh JonwalPhysiotherapist(0141) 9887176813
36.RamShankar BhardwajAcupuncture & Acupressure(0141) 2590766

The Doctors Tonk Road Jaipur Phone Numbers will help you to make contact with them. if you are in problem. Famous and specialist doctors are working in this area. Some are specialist in Radiology Physiotherapist

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