District W Champaran, Bihar Phone Number DM, ADM, DDC, DDC, SDO

District West Champaran Phone Number / Contact Number / Mobile Number of DM, ADM, DDC, District Informatics Officer, Treasury Officer, Election Officer, SDO, DRDA, DEO, Sub. Registry Officer.

West Champaran Administrative Officer Contact Number

DM(06254) – 232534(06254) - 232535242576
ADM9473191295(06254) –232213(06254) –232392
District Informatics Officer244338
DDC9431818358(06254) –242508(06254) –235084242508
Treasury Officer, Bettiah234807
Dy. Election Officer, Bettiah9431396069236479
SDO, Bettiah9473191296242483242513
SDO, Bagaha947319129706251-226279226378
SDO, Narkatiaganj947319129806253-242224242214
DRDA (Director Accounts)
DEO ( District Education Officer), Bettiah9431825812231665

strict Sub. Registry Officer Bettiah
Sub. Registry Officer Bagaha06251-227949
Sub. Registry Officer Shikarpur (Narkatiaganj)06253-244163
District Judge241473242744
Additional CJM232347
Judge In Charge242744
ACJM Bagaha06251-226274

West Champaran Sugar Mills Contact Number

Sugar MillsMobilePhone
GM , Bagaha993444634706251-227008
GM , Harinagar (Poddar)943180937106256-224223
Majhaulia Mills282380

West Champaran Medical Departments & Doctors Contact Number

Medical Department & DoctorsMobile Number
Civil Surgeon9431226502
District Health Society (Member secretory)9431444438
District Immunisation Officer9835291879
District T.B Officer9431370061
District Leprosy Officer9431369880
District Malaria Officer9431410171
MJK Hospital Bettiah9431809444

Introduction: – Before 1972 West Champaran was the subdivision of Saran district. In 1972, it has been announced a district. It is well connected with communication by road and railways to all big cities of Bihar. Maharishi Valmiki had indited the Ramayana a great religious book of Hindus. Our eminent freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi had commenced the Satyagrah Movement from this district. For this district, forests are a good source for the timber trade. West Champaran is well connected with Nepal. Local businessmen imported into India spices, timber, and rice. From Nepal, they exported textile, Petroleum products. Ashoka Pillars are the most famous tourist place of West Champaran. Ashoka Pillar is approx. 2300 years old and still in good condition. In this district, the literacy ratio is too much poor and simply it is in pitiable condition.



  1. Upendra Kumar says:

    For this information….
    but I request sir,
    Regular updates this information & phone number.

  2. Thanks for your Comment Upendra Ji, I am trying my best to keep the things updated.

  3. mohammad noorain says:

    ranger no is not given plse add it

  4. Dr. Bharat Kumar Sharma says:

    Would very much welcome to have the email address of the DM, West Champaran. I would like to send something in in writing to him or her for personal attention. I am from Vill.Khora, Mausa. Bhaisahi, Chanpatia , West Champaran, although at present I am living in the United Kingdom.

  5. Swayam Gupta says:

    Thanks for posting dm office number

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