Dhanbad District, Jharkhand Phone Number BDO and CO

Dhanbad District, Jharkhand Phone Number BDO and CO

District Dhanbad Contact numbers of Block level officers like BDO (Block Development Officer), CO (Circle Officer).

Std Code – 06540

District Dhanbad Block Department Officer Contact Detail

BDO (Block Development Officer) Dhanbad98359391172310872
Do-Jharia 91999902562361191
Do-Tundi 9431943035
Do- Topchanchi 2482205
Do-Govindpur 9431782375262252
Do- Baliapur 94312658782431233
CO (Circle Officer)Dhanbad 9431309708
Do-Jharia9431176929 2360910
Do- Nirsa 9431154250275966
Do-Tundi 9431943035282011
Do-Govindpur 9470520141
Do-Baliapur 94301595392431382
Do-Baghmara 99055345322428326
Do-Topchanchi 94315591182482410

Introduction :- Dhanbad is located in the state of Jharkhand. It has been announced as a district in 1956. It is a city of industries such as Coal mining, Tata steel, Indian Iron and Steel Company (IISCO), BCCL and ECL ETC. These all are major industries of Dhanbad. The district headquarter is in Dhanbad town. It is well connected with other parts of Jharkhand and India not only by road but also by train. Dhanbad is railway division under the east-central Railway zone. In India, the First AC double Decker train had started from between Howrah to Dhanbad junction on 1st October 2011. Steel this district is waiting for connecting to air link. From the education point of view it is also in good condition here there are a lot of good schools as well technical institutions and colleges which are providing quality education to students.

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