Collector, Joint Collector, Superintendent of Police ( SP) Contact numbers of Chittoor District

Phone Number Of Collector, Joint Collector, SP Of Chittoor (Andhra Pradesh)


08572 -
3.Superintendent of


  1. The Honorable Chittoor Dist collector sir. my add: p.Pratap w/o kathijabee Dasukuppam (bill&pos), Sathya Ved U (MD) sir I am very poor family and business provision & chicken, mutton stall and I will be taken some of finance and I pay too high interest Rupees in 17months Rs.50 lakhs. my family begged in two children and wife last try to I P apply to civil court. I p clearance 3months before but dasukuppam political leader support to family no enter my house and village.sir last decided lam poor no money and suit why only please arrested to uthukottai Sai group finance legs& I P no please kindly help me sir Jai hind

  2. S. Nazimunnisa Begum says:

    Respected Collecter Sir, My name is NAZIMUNNISA BEGUM from Thagguvari pally Panchayat, Bangarupalyam Mandal, Chittoor District, My husband Shaik Mahaboob Basha died in Edwin hospital, Hyderabad due to failure of heart operation on December 24, 2003, my husband was working in CISF in NFC Hyderabad. Our commandant recommends me to allot 5 acres of land in Chittoor District I got 5 acres of land in veluthuruchenu village in Bangarupalyam Mandal and also got Patta and passbooks from MRO & RDO. But still, they did not hand over the land to me, the revenue department of Bangarupalyam is playing games with me. I have paid money as a chalan many times to measure the land but they are not yet surveying the land. I met our revenue minister K. E. Krishnamurthy he has given me a letter to MRO of Bangarupalyam, but they are not caring. What I can do now sir, as a Muslim minority widow lady how I am suffering. So please help me and do action on my case as soon as possible. Thanking you sir S. NAZIMUNNISA BEGUM 7396153288

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