Chatra Jharkhand Phone Number BDO CO – Chatra, Huntarganj, Pratappur

1. BDOChatra9430147922
3.BDO/CO Kanhachatti9430147922
4.CO Huntarganj9431537106
5.CO Pratappur & Kunda9931337502
6.BDO Simaria9199973635
7.BDO Tandwa9835708629
8.CO Tandwa9006581779
9.BDO Itkhori9031116670
10.BDO Pathalgada9631100474
11.BDO Lawalong9431138882
12.CO Lawalong9471711682

About:- Daud khan had won this fort and it was fully down-and-out on date of 2nd June 1660 A.D. During the period of 17th century Kunda fort was under the Ramgarh Raja. The Chatra fort had been dissipated by the Alwardi Khan in the year of 1734 A.D.

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