Blood Bank Phone Number Patna District

Blood Bank in Patna is an initiative to deliberate Blood donation camp by providing blood to the people at the time of emergency and in other cases. We are here to give you the phone number of Patna Blood Bank. In Patna, PMCH, NMCH, Singh Blood Bank and Sen Laboratory are playing a remarkable role in providing blood. Please see the below table for the contact number of Blood Bank in Patna.

 Blood Bank Phone Number Patna District

S.No.Hospital NameContact
1.PMCH(0612) 2670132
2.NMCH(0612) 2641159
3.Singh Blood Bank(0612) 2641159
4.Sen Laboratory(0612) 2226868

Blood Bank in Patna seeks to meet the requirement of worthless blood by organizing various blood donation camps in different school and colleges, corporate organization and in various public places. They have appointed different trained professional for testing the collected blood under special care. Now if you want to serve their charitable institution, please visit the given helpline number of Patna Blood Bank.

The given Patna Blood Bank phone number is useful for the people up to great extent. Now if you want to help the people, please support Patna Blood Bank and donate blood as soon as possible. For further more information on Blood Bank Phone Number Patna District, immediately contact on helpline number as given above.

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