Blocks Jehanabad Bihar BDO, CO, BEO, BAO, PO Phone Number

Jehanabad District Phone Number of BDO, CO, BEO, Program Officer, Supply Officer, Agriculture Officer (BAO)

In Jehanabad District, there are 8 blocks. The names of these blocks are Jehanabad, Kako, Makhdumpur, Ghoshi, Ratni Faridpur, Hulasganj, and Modanganj. In the below-given table, you will find the phone numbers of office BDO, CO, BEO, Program Officer, and Supply Officer posted in these blocks.

These phone numbers may help you:

District Jehanabad, Bihar Phone Number DM, ADM, DDC, DTO, DEO

Jehanabad District Block level Officers Phone Numbers

PostBlock NameContact
BDO (Block Development Officer)Jehanabad9431818077
BDO (Block Development Officer)Ghoshi9431818075
BDO (Block Development Officer)Makhadumpur9431818078
BDO (Block Development Officer)Kako9431818079
BDO (Block Development Officer)Ratni-Faridpur9431818080
BDO (Block Development Officer)Modanganj9431818076
CO (Circle Officer)Jehanabad9431490474
CO (Circle Officer)Ghoshi9631233927
CO (Circle Officer)Makhadumpur9431256636
CO (Circle Officer)Hulasganj9934065979
CO (Circle Officer)  In chargeKako9430674498
CO (Circle Officer)Ratni-Faridpur9431843326
CO (Circle Officer)Modanganj9430674498
BEO (Block Education Officer)Makhadumpur9835858315
BEO (Block Education Officer)Jehanabad9934064626
BEO (Block Education Officer)Kako9472607929
BEO (Block Education Officer)Ghoshi9801909830
BEO (Block Education Officer)Modanganj7250550857
BEO (Block Education Officer)Hulasganj9431496317
BEO (Block Education Officer)Ratni-Faridpur9973756687
Agriculture OfficerJehanabad9006570502
Agriculture OfficerMakhadumpur7677716099
Agriculture OfficerRatni-Faridpur8002155910
Agriculture OfficerKako9546681021
Agriculture OfficerGhoshi9006570505
Agriculture Officer In chargeModanganj9006570505
Agriculture OfficerHulasganj8521705913
Program OfficerJehanabad9661563756
Program OfficerMakhadumpur9852133794
Program OfficerKako8051810993
Program OfficerRatni-Faridpur9504780378
Program OfficerGhoshi8409971085
Program OfficerHulasganj9905450338
Program OfficerModanganj9431883133
Supply OfficerMakhadumpur9931817658

State – Bihar

District – Jehanabad

Introduction: – Jehanabad as a district came into existence on 31 July 1986. It had been split away from Gaya district. It is located at the interflow of river Dardha and Yamuna. Sone, Falgu Dardha and Yamuna rivers touch the Jehanabad. On the bank of the Falgu River, Hindus offer the Pindadan to their forefathers. Most of the part of this district is plain. This district has a subdivision including seven Blocks. The name of the blocks is Kako, Ghosi Jehanabad, Makhdumpur, Ratni Faridpur, Hulasganj, and Modanganj. The headquarter of this district is in Jehanabad town. It comes under Magadh Division. In this district, there are 93 Panchayats and 918 villages. The Proportion of the rural population is 92.6 percent. The soil of this district is too much fertile and is known as KEWAL in the local language. It is much favorable for the crops of rice, wheat, cane, etc. Cultivation is the base of an economy. The local language of this district is Magahi.

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  1. i did’nt get DEO jehanabad email id

  2. Panpati devi, aadhar no.-700945569914,a/c no.-11447878667,branch-sirka,ifsc code- sbin0004896. I have not found swa chalaya yojana

  3. I am finding mail id of Hulashjang Circle office& Hulashjang police station.
    So please provide me both email id.

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