Bihar, Sitamarhi District Level Officers Phone Number

District Sitamarhi Phone Number / Contact Number / Mobile Number of  DM, SP, DDC, Additional Collector, DTO, District Welfare Officer, Election Officer, SDO, DRDA, DEO, SDPO, Program Officer, Agriculture Officer, Sub Registrar Officer.

Sitamarhi District Level Officers Contact Detail

Introduction:- Sitamarhi became a district on 11th Dec 1972. It is located in the northern part of Bihar and beside the frontier of Nepal. The headquarters of Sitamarhi is placed in Sitamarhi Town. It is a historically famous and beautiful place. Formally people say that it is the land of Goddess Sita. Commonly the people of this district use to speak Maithili and Hindi language. Here the most famous place is Ram Janki Temple at Punaura. The rivers flowing through Sitamarhi are Bagmati, Lakandei, and Adhwara. This district is well connected by road as well as by railway. It is a peaceful place in comparison to the rest of Bihar. The land of this district is fertile for crops.



  1. Shahnaj khatoon says:

    Sir choraut+2 high school ka teacher posak or scholarsip ka 2800 rupya nahi de rha he.

  2. Pranay Thapa says:

    I’m a former teacher of St. Xavier’s High school pupri. They have not paid my full wages yet. The management of that school are fraud. They even don’t have the registration of the school and they are upgrading with standard IX.
    Please ask them to pay my remaining wages. I have never seen a fraud management in school other then this.

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