Bihar, Banka District Bank Manager Phone Numbers

Here, Phone Numbers of Manager, UCO Bank Katiyama, Dhoraiya, Vijayhat in Banka, Office, Gramin Bank, Amarpur and Office, Bank of India Banka are written below. Needy people may get it.

District Banka Bank Officers Contact Numbers

Designation BranchMobileOffice
UCO Bank ManagerKatiyama993987729506424 – 278270
UCO Bank ManagerVijayhat9939824166
Gramin BankAmarpur06424 – 222132
UCO Bank ManagerDhoraiya9431455416
Bank of IndiaBanka993427868006424 – 223425
Introduction:-  Banka district is located just near the Jharkhand state Hance the environment of this district is as same as the state of Jharkhand. The largest river of this district is Chanan. The point of origin of the Chanan river is the north area of Deoghar district in the state of Jharkhand and traverse nearby Banka district and join Ganges river.  There is a plan to irrigates the huge part of the land of this district through the water of  Chanan river.
            Commonly the north part of the area of Banka is plain which has been formed by the various streams of the river of Belharni and Barua and these lands are too much fertile by agriculture point of view.Paddy is the major crops which is produced by the local peasants. The district is of Banka land has given the martyrs, Satish prasad Jha was also one of them who had hosted the national flag Tiranga on the Secretariat building Patna on 11 August 1942. As a tourist place, it is developing slowly – slowly due to Mandar parwat and Jain Temple.
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