Bhojpur District, Bihar, District Level Officer’s Phone Number

District Bhojpur Contact Phone Number of All District Level Officers – DM, DDC, ADM, SDO, LRDC, Director, DEO, Commissioner, Accounts Officer, Planning Officer, Marketing Officer, Agriculture Officer, DTO, Treasury Officer, etc.

District Bhojpur Phone Numbers / Contact Detail

DM (District Magistrate)221312233311
DDC (Deputy Development Commissioner)221211234910
Settlement Officer9431140201222711
Municipal Commissioner9546343871221552236827
ADM (Additional District Magistrate)9473191233221301248261
Director (DRDA)9430277000221189
Director (NREP)9939990741
Civil Surgeon9470003146235166
District Panchayati Raj Officer9430277000221264
Dist. Welfare Officer9472592499
DEO (District Education Officer)8544411148
District Planning Officer8986272696222709
NREP Executive Engineer9430430333
Establishment Deputy Collector9934426954
Deputy Commercial Sales Taxes9470001210233832
District Accounts Officer9431494457
District Provident Fund Officer9431494457
Assistant Director (Social Security)9431805574
District Agriculture Officer943181873206182-239430
MD (Central9430574700
Co-operative Bank)
DTO (District Transport Officer)9431471039
M.V.I. Ara9939190034
TO (Treasury Officer)9431190083242202
District Statistical Officer9470834355
District Public Relation Officer9430605756
Mahadalit Officer9334406948
Executive Engineer DUDA9431216451
Election Officer9939334979, 9471003934
DSO (District Supply Officer)9430061864
District Sub Registrar Officer9199419435
General Section (SDC)9835450160
Jan Shikayat Koshang9431034599
Revenue Officer (SDC)9934426954
District Sainik Kalyan9431034599
Vidhi Shakha (Legal Section)9431293809
Arms Officer9431293809
Land Acquisition Officer9430277000

State – Bihar
District – Bhojpur
Introduction:- Bhojpur is a famous district in Bihar state which is located in an eastern part of India. It covers an area of 2,395 sq km. equal of Cornwall Island in Canada. This district name is created at the name of Raja Bhoj. From agricultural point of the view River Sone and Ganges are the rich sources of cultivation. Eminent Patriot Babu Veer Kunwar Singh was from Jagdishpur district who had taken part in the first freedom fight. Aranya Devi temple is a famous temple In the village of Bakhorapur there is MAA KALI TEMPLE. It is the oldest temple in India. Bhojpur district has been divided into three Sub Division named are Ara Sadar, Jagdishpur, and Piro. Literacy ratio of this district is 73 percent, and the sex ratio is 900 out of a thousand.

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