BDO Gaya District Contact Numbers All Blocks

BDO Gaya District Contact Numbers enable you get help from the officer. These numbers amay also fulfill your official work’s need.. Total number of blocks in Gaya is 24 and in each block a BDO (Block Development Officer)) works as in charge of the block. Name of the blocks in Gaya District are Guraru, Paraiya, Gurua, Sherghati, Wazirganj,  Dobhi,  Dumaria, Imamganj, Bankey Bazar, Bodhgaya,  Mohanpur, Barachatti, Tankuppa, Fatehpur, Gay, Municipal Corporation, Konch, Tekari, Belaganj, Town Block Khizarsarai, Nimchak Bathani Atri, Muhra, Manpur. In the underneath table, BDO Gaya District Contact Numbers are present.

This link may help you:

Phone Number of All Officers of Gaya District Bihar – DM, ADM DDC

BDO Gaya District Contact Numbers

S.No.DesignationE-mailOfficial Mobile No.
1.BDO Gurarubdo.gur-ga-bih@nic.in9431818488
2.BDO Paraiyabdo.par-ga-bih@nic.in9431818070
3.BDO Guruabdo.gru-ga-bih@nic.in9431818067
4.BDO Sherghatibdo.she-ga-bih@nic.in9431818071
5.BDO Wazirganjbdo.waz-ga-bih@nic.in9431818482
6.BDO Dobhibdo.dob-ga-bih@nic.in9431818485
7.BDO Dumariabdo.dum-ga-bih@nic.in9431818074
8.BDO Imamganjbdo.ima-ga-bih@nic.in9430965696
9.BDO Bankey Bazarbdo.bab-ga-bih@nic.in9431818484
10.BDO Bodh Gayabdo.bod-ga-bih@nic.in9431818483
11.BDO Mohanpurbdo.moh-ga-bih@nic.in9431818063
13.BDO Tankuppabdo.tan-ga-bih@nic.in9431818486
14.BDO Fatehpurbdo.fat-ga-bih@nic.in9431818069
15.BDO Gaya Munciple Corporationbdo.gays-ga-bih@nic.in9431818068
16.BDO Konchbdo.kon-ga-bih@nic.in9431818064
17.BDO Tekaribdo.tek-ga-bih@nic.in9431818480
18.BDO Belaganjbdo.bel-ga-bih@nic.in9431818479
19.BDO Town Block9431818068
20.BDO Khizarsaraibdo.khi-ga-bih@nic.in9431818072
21.BDO Nimchak Bathanibdo.nim-ga-bih@nic.in9431818487
22.BDO Atribdo.atr-ga-bih@nic.in9431818062
23.BDO Muhrabdo.muh-ga-bih@nic.in9431818489

BDO is responsible for Development works in the block. Welfare of people living in the block is also his duty. He executes the different program like NREGA, ICDS, and others. If you need to get help call on BDO Gaya District Contact Numbers.



  1. Sanjeet Kumar KhizerSarai. says:

    It’s a very useful information including in this.I am thankful for you.

  2. Ranveer sharma says:

    This information is more importaint for any citizen

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