Bardhaman Police Stations Phone Numbers, West Bengal

You will find Bardhaman Police Stations Phone Numbers, West Bengal (WB) here.  This district has total 19 Police stations (PS) working to maintain law and order of different areas. Obviously, each of these provides a contact number so that people may easily interact.

Bardhaman Police Stations Phone Numbers, West Bengal

1.Bardhman Police Helpline Number(0342)2647492 +919083269942
2.SP (Purba Bardhaman)(0342) 2662956
3.Asp(Hqrs)(0342) 2662957
5.DSP, HQ(0342) 2662960
6.DSP, Crime(0342)2662958
7.DSP, Traffic(0342) 2662958
8.Dsp AP(0342) 2545166
9.DSP D&T(0342) 2662960
10.SDPO, Katwa(03453) 255020
11.SDPO, Kalna(03454) 255086
12.Bardhaman PS(0342)2664466/67
13.Galsi PS(0342)2450238
14.Bhatar PS(03452) 2322223
15.Memari PS(03451) 2250232
16.Jamalpur PS(03451)288225
17.Budbud PS(0343) 2512257
18.Asugram PS(03452) 254213
19.Raina PS(03451)260230
20.Khandaghosh PS(03451)262260
21.Madhabdihi PS(03451)251230
22.Katwa PS(03453) 266023
23.Mongalkote PS(03453) 266228
24.Kalna PS(03454)255040
25.Ketugram PS(03453)272224
26.Nandanghat PS(03454) 266100
27.Kanksa PS(0343) 2524244
28.Montsewar PS0342) 2750523
29.Purbasthali PS(03454) 264500
30.Women PS Burdwan(0342)2569372
31.Reserve Inspector(0342) 2647491
31.Inspector Durgapur Expressway(0342)2662960
32.Court Inspector Sadar(0342)2569805
33.Court Inspector Kalna(03454)255140
34.Court Inspector Katwa(03453)255079


There are many reasons that peoples are asking about Bardhaman Police Stations Phone Numbers. This district is also famous for his rice production and has a large number of rice mills.The district border is  connected with mineral enriched Damodar valley. The  district has a big population and it is ranked seventh densely populated districts of India.



  1. thank u

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