Assam RTO Code, Address, Phone Number

Assam RTO Code, Name, Address, Phone Numbers and Pin Code

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RTO CodeRTO NameRTO AddressPin CodePhone Number
AS01DTO KamrupBetkuchi Near Honda Showroom Kamrup NH-377810340361 - 2540149
AS02DTO NagaonNear ASTC
Office, Nagaon
78200103672 - 233185
AS03DTO JorhatDTO office Jorhat Rajabari7850010376 - 230020
AS04DTO SivsagarDorika Par Namtial Pathar Sibasagar78564003772 - 222137
AS05DTO GolaghatArengapara near Dhansiribridge G. D. Road, Golaghat78562103774 - 280222
AS06DTO DibrugarhO/O DTO near Lakhmi Nath Bezbaruah park, Dibrugarh7860010373 - 2326063
AS07DTO LakhimpurPanindra Road, Dhubri78700103752 - 222196
AS08DTO N.C HillsMV Branch O/O D.C. office N.C.Hills , Haflong78881903673 - 236051
AS09DTO Karbi anglogO/O The DTO Diphu Town near DC office , P.O.& P.S. Diphu7824600374 - 272257
AS10DTO KarimganjDTO office Karimganj78873203843 - 262345
AS11DTO SilcharDTO Office Silchar78802503842 - 245056
AS12DTO SonitpurDTO Office Tezpur78400103712 - 220011
AS13DTO DarrangO/O DTO A.S.T.C Office Mangaldoi, Darrang78412503713 - 222165
AS14DTO NalbariO/O DTO Office Barama Road Nalbari78133503664 - 220496
AS15DTO BarpetaKumarhatu PO: Barpeta78137503665 - 252129
AS16DTO KokrajharO/O DTO PO - Kokrajhar78337003661 - 270741
AS17DTO DhubriDTO Office Dhubri78333503662 - 230050
AS18DTO GoalparaDistrict Transport Office Bhalukdubi near District Court Goalpara78213103663 - 240030
AS19DTO BongaigaonO/O DTO Bangaigaon78338003664 - 220889
AS21DTO MorigaonDTO Office Morigaon78241003678 - 240225
AS22DTO DhemajiDTO Dhemaji Bharali Chowk78705703253 - 224208
AS23DTO TinsukiaDTO Office Tinsukia7861250374 - 2331572
AS24DTO HailakandiO/O DTO Mission Road Hailakandi03752 - 222251
AS26DTO ChirangDhaligaon Vill opp, BRPL Main Gate Chirang78338503664 - 241103
AS27DTO UdalguriDTO Udalguri Block Road Ward no - 3
AS28DTO BaksaDTO Mushalpur Baksa78137203624 - 282767

The affairs of the transport and vehicle at the regional level are performed by Regional Transport Office as per their inherited and delegated powers. This department performs different types of transport activities as per prescribe rule and regulation of Motor Vehicle Act.

The RTO of the Assam plays a crucial role in licensing and registration of vehicles in a region under Motor Vehicle Rule. However, this department poses sole authority for granting the driving license, assignment of registration marks in newly registered vehicles, the collection of various taxes and fees under Motor vehicle Act and Rules.

However, the main objective of the department is to provide assurance of road safety and to provide reliable services to the vehicle owner as required. If anyone finds the guilty of misconduct in following the different rule and regulation of relevant vehicle then the department can take appropriate action against them.In this article, we have given all possible information about all eleven RTO prevailing in several places of Assam. The information contains Assam RTO Code with their relevant address and as well as phone numbers.

In this article, we have given all possible information about all eleven RTO prevailing in several places of Assam. The information contains Assam RTO Code with their relevant address and as well as phone numbers. However, we have written a post regarding STD Codes Assam which can give you a healthy information.

Number of vehicles is increasing rapidly in our country. Red light, traffic signals, road markings are also being established to fulfill the need to people.  and The department trains. Eventually  so the responsibility of Transport department is also going high.

In Assam, total 10 RTO are working in different districts. Code of these offices starts from ASO1 and ends up to AS10. The transport office located in Kamrup takes responsibility for the area under Guwahati.

So from now onward if anyone has any query regarding any of their transport issues can immediately contact to their relevant transport office and get rid of all extravagant issue.

Don’t refrain yourself from commenting if Assam RTO Code works for you.



  1. Thinlay Jamtshojamt says:

    For the kind attention of Karbi Anglong DTO. 1. Who is the registered owner of Tata Hyva Dumper( 10 wheller) AS-09-C 9162?
    2. What was the former registration No. of the said vehicle?
    3. From where and whom the vehicle was purchased?
    4. Please let me know the present name and address of the owner. My sincere request to the official concerned.

  2. Hi I have issued a driving license from mamAldo RTO my name is Isub Ali my new license no DL no. As-1320140034091

  3. I have to know this man driving licence no

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