Andhra Pradesh RTO Codes, Addresses, Phone Numbers

Phone Numbers Names, Addresses, Pin Codes, Andhra Pradesh RTO Codes (AP)

search from andhra pradesh rto codes

RTO CodeRTO NameRTO Address Pin Code Phone Numbers
AP001RTA AdilabadO/o DTC Beside Spinning Mills Adilabad 50400108732-226562
AP002DTC AnantapurBhairava Nagar near Engineering College Anantapur040 - 8554 - 278427
RTA Industrialestate, No.1&2 Puttur Road Chittoor517001040 - 8572 - 232508
AP004DTC KadapaD.No. 7/538-1. N.G.O. Colony Kadapa516002040 - 8562 - 245140
AP005DTC KakinadaD.No: 70-1C, NFCL Road, Swaraj nagar Kakinada040 - 884 - 2376183
AP007DTC GunturPattabhipurammain Road Guntur-2040 - 863 - 2355194
AP009JTC, Hyderabad (Central), KhairatabadD.No. 6-3-646, opp; Eenadu office, Khairatabad, Somajiguda Hyderabad500082040 - 40 - 23312895
AP01DTC AdilabadH.No: 4-3-58/3, Court road, Adilabad504001040 - 8732 - 226562
AP010RTO Hyderabad (North), SecunderabadMain road Trimalghery Secunderabad500015040 - 40 - 27742568
AP011RTO Hyderabad (East), MalakpetD.No.16-11-16/U/52 Street west Prakashnagar Moosarambagh,Malakpet, Hyderabad500036040 - 40 - 24548999
AP012RTO Hyderabad (West) MehidipatnamD.No. 9 - 4 - 86/41, Street: Salarjung Colony Tolichowki, Mehidipatnam, Hyd500008040 - 40 - 23525253
AP013RTO Hyderabad (South) BahadurpuraD.No. 19 - 5 - 28/3/13
Street: Kishanbagh, Hyderabad
500064040 - 40 - 24462727
AP015 DTC KrimnagarCollectoerate Complex Karimnagar505001040 - 878 - 2240373
AP016DTC VijayawadaOpp: Indira Gandhi Municipal Stadium Bundar Road, Vijayawada040 - 866 - 2480044
AP020RTO KhammamNscanals Road near TDP Office Khanapur Haweli Khammam507001040 - 8742 - 254534
AP021DTC KurnoolD. No. 18/759 Bishop Compound Nandyal Road Kurnool518001040 - 8455 - 231218
AP022RTO Mahaboob NagarHNO1 - 6 - 90, near Menakatalkies Raichur Road Mahabubnagar509001040 - 8542 - 275875
AP023DTC MedakH. No. 1 - 12 - 24/A/35 Indrapuri Colony Medak040 - 8455 - 231218
AP024RTO NalgondaHNo6 - 9 - 294/1, Industrialestate ITI Complex, Hyderabad Road, Marriguda, NLG508002040 - 8682 - 248346
AP025DTC NizamabadNear Laxamikalyanamandapam Armoor Road, Kanteshwar Nizamabad503002
AP026DTC NelloreBakthavatsalanagar Nellore Nellore Dist524004040 - 861 - 2326891
AP027RTO OngoleRTO Office, 2nd Lane Bhagyanagar Ongole, Parakasam Dist040 - 8592 - 233114
AP028DTC R.R.DistD. No: 4 - 6 -69/1/2&4/A, 1st Floor, Vasudeva Complex, Hyderguda, Xroads Attapur, Rajendra Nagar040 - 40 - 24019355
AP029RTO Rangareddy (East) Uppal040 - 40 - 27205599
AP030DTC SrikakulamNear Srikakulam Rural Police Station Srikakulam040 - 8942 - 240024
AP031DTC VishakhapatnamBehind R&B Office, Madhava Dhara Vishakhapatnam530018040 - 891 - 2559777
AP035RTO VizianagaramSurvet No. 47/1 K.L Puram Vizianagaram040 - 8955 - 273364
AP036DTC WarangalH. No: 5 - 11 - 516, Vidyaranyapuri K.U.C.X Roads Hanamkonda, Warangal506009040 - 870 - 2577972
AP037DTC EluruRTA Office Chodimella Eluru040 - 8812 - 230208
AP043MVI KathipudiKathipudi East Godavari
AP101RTO MancherialH. No: 11 - 15, Near Municipalwatertank Mancherial (PO), Adilabad504208040 - 8736 - 254133
AP102RTO HindupurD.B Colony Hindupur040 - 8556 - 220445
AP103RTO TirupathiD. No: 43 - B, Nalanda Nagar Tirupathi517501040 - 877 - 2249996
AP105RTO RajahmundryD. No: 69 - 31, Lalacheruvu, Rajahmundry040 - 883 - 2442211
AP107RTO NarsaraopetJonnalagadda Narsaraopet Guntur Dist040 - 8647 - 223988
AP115MVI KorutlaKorutala Karimnagar Dist
AP116RTO GudivadaRajendra Nagar, 2nd Line Gudivada521301040 - 8674 - 242215
AP121RTO NandyalIndustrial Estate, Laboratory Buildings IIDC, Opp: Nandi Dairy, Udumulapadu, Nandyal518502040 - 8514 - 243083
AP122MVI GadwalKLI Quarters, Housingboard Colony Gadwal, MBNR
AP123RTO SiddipetH. No. 20 - 105/1, Naseer Nagar Mustabad Road Siddipet Medak Dist502103040 - 8457 - 222531
AP124MVI BhongirH. No. 1 - 5 - 12/7, Near SNLS Degree College Bhongir958685 - 242345
AP125Unit Office ArmoorUnit Office near M J Hospital Armoor50322408468 - 221132
AP127MVI ChiralaKothe Pet Vetapalem (M) Chirala Prakasamdist958594 - 233114
AP128RTO MedchalNear Pet Basheerbagh Nerar Chandini Dhaba Medchal040 - 40 - 23094000
AP129RTO IbrahimpatnamD. No: 4 - 1 - 1, 1st Floor Santhoshimathahosp. Building Hayathnagar Dist, Hyderabad501505040 - 40 - 24098999
AP131RTO AnakapalleK. Koptaka Batlepudi Post Anakapally531001040 - 8924 - 222496
AP136MVI JangoanH. No. 4/29 Raghuramnagar Shameerpet Village Jangoan (M) Warangaldist506167040 - 08716 - 22222
AP137RTO BhimavaramD. No. 4 - 1 - 28, Gargaparru Road, Bargaya Building Bhimavaram - 2040 - 8816 - 222272
AP202MVI GuntakalA.P.H.B Colony Guntakal, Anantapurdist
AP203MVI Madanapalli4 - 129, Sivanagar Colony Near Ayyappa Temple Madanpalli517325040 - 8571 - 222475
AP204RTO ProdduturHIG 36, Employees Colony, Housingboard Colony Proddutur, Kadapa Dist040 - 8562 - 254303
AP205RTO AmalapuramNear Black Bridge Amalapuram040 - 8856 - 231100
AP215MVI JagityalDharoor Camp Jagityal Karimnagardist958724222737
AP216Unit Office MachilipatnamO/o RTO Valandhapalem Machilipatnam52100108672 - 2544040
AP220MVI KothagudemQ. No. A2/17, Singareni Colleries QTRS, Writerbasthi Kothagudem (M) Khammam Dist 040 - 8744 - 245554
AP221MVI AdoniD. No. 17 - 137 - 2 1st Floor Opp: V.B.S Factory Alur Road, Adoni040 - 8572 - 252118
AP225Unit Office BhodanO/o MVI Shakkarnagar, Near D.S.P Office Bodhan50318508467 - 222223
AP226MVI GudurSanthi Nagar Opp: ZP Girls High School Gudur, Nelloredist
AP231MVI GujuwakaSrinagar Gujuwaka VSP Dist
AP236MVI MahaboobabadMahaboobabad Warangal
AP237MVI JangareddygudemD. No. 29 - 507 College Road, Jangareddygudem, W.G Dist958821 - 225543
AP301MVI NirmalH. No. 5 - 7 - 192, Near Thirumala TNH No. 7 Nirmal, Adilabad Dist040 - 8734 - 242748
AP305MVI JaggaiahpetaJaggaiahpeta Krishna
AP307MVI ChilkaluripetDR No. 4 - 403 1st Line Pandaripuram NH5, Chilkaluripet, Guntur Dist
AP315MVI PeddapalliKarimnagar Road Rangam Pally Peddapalli, Karimnagar Dist040 - 8728222339
AP316RTO NandigamaAshok Nagar Byepass Road Nandigama, Krishna Dist040 - 8678 - 275410
AP320MVI SattupalliOpp LIC Office Vemsoor Road Sattupalli (M) Khammam Dist958761 - 282147
AP322MVI PebbairH. No. 10 - 116 Near old MRO Office, BC Colony Pabbair, MBNR Dist040 - 8545220777
AP323MVI MedakH. No. 1 - 2 - 24/A/35 Indrapur Colony Medak502110
AP324Unit Office MiryalagudaMVI Opp - Narasaiah Degree College, Guntur Road , Miryalaguda508207
AP325MVI KamareddyNH 7, Near Bus Stand Kamareddy (V & MDL) Nizamabad503111
AP326MVI KavaliPulla Reddy Nagar, Backside Of The Padmavathi JR. College, Kavali, Nellore Dist
AP327MVI MarkapurJawahar Nagar Colony Markapur Prakasam Dist040 - 8596 - 223077
AP328MVI KukatpallyKukatpally Ranga Reddy
AP331MVI NarsipatnamD. No. 2/220 - 2, Saradanagar 2nd Lane East Narsipatnam VSP Dist958934 - 236138
AP337MVI KovvurD. No. 15 - 4 - 11/1, Bapuji Nagar Kovvur, W.G Dist040 - 8813 - 231345
AP402MVI TadipatriTadipatri Ananthapur
AP405Unit Office MandapetaO/o MVI Unit Office, By Pass Road, Opp. Astalakshmi Rice Mill, Mandapeta 533308
AP416MVI NuzivedduGovt. Hospital Road Gandhi Nagar Nuziveddu, Lrishna Dist958656 - 232355
AP421MVI DhoneD. No. 8 - 140 - 1, Near Krishna Lodge Backside Dhone, Kurnool Dist
AP422MVI ShadnagarShadnagar Mahabubnagar
AP423MVI PatancheruvuPatancheru Medak
AP424MVI SuryapetH. No. 2 - 1 - 170/1/22 R.K Gardens Opps. V Degree College Suryapet, Nalgonda Dist040 - 8684 - 220286
AP426Unit Office SullurpetMVI Unit Office Keerthi Enclave, GNT Road, Sullurpet524121
AP427MVI DarsiDarsi Parakasham
AP437MVI Tadepalligudem1 - 4 - 84, K.N Road Tadepalligudem W.G Dist958818 - 222273
AP516Unit Office VuyyuruRegional Transport Unit Office, Bypass Road Vuyyur 52116508676 - 236222
AP537MVI TanukuD. No. 12 - 26 -3/A Santha Market Road Tanuku, W.G Dist958819 - 222273
AP607Unit Office PidugurallaUnit Office Near Reliance Petrol Bunk, Khaleel Dhaba, Piduguralla52241308649 -254423
AP615Unit Office KorutlaUnit Office Opp MRO Office, Adarshnagar, Korutla50532608725 - 252119
AP616Unit OfficeJaggayyapetUnit Office Tarraguntapalem Jaggaiahpet521175
AP637MVI PalakolePalakole West Godavari
AP705Unit Office RavulapalemUnit Office Opp. Banana Market, NH - 16, Ravulapalem533238
AP707MVI TanaliD. No. 32 - 1 - 6/16, Wardno.29 Alapatinagar, Sultanabad Tenali, Guntur Dist08644 - 221300

Andhra Pradesh RTO Codes are helpful to the motor vehicle owners who have recently grabbed a vehicle and are in a Que to get it registered. Apart from this, the people who want to get driver license whether it be a learner or permanent require these codes. I have written another article Andhra Pradesh (AP) All Districts STD Code which may prove helpful to you.

The transport departments in of the different region function under the provision of the Motor Vehicle Act. The major functions of the department are entrusted with the implementation of Motor Vehicle Act & rule. However, the transport department is fully regulated by the government of Andhra Pradesh in terms of forming the policies and as well as their implementation.

However, the regional transport office also carries out road safety by creating awareness among the citizen through different campaign strategies. These strategies help in minimizing vehicle pollution and reckless driving. So this will enhance future safety.

In Andhra Pradesh, we get total 95 RTO presently working in the several places of the state for the security of transport services. All these RTOs always try to cooperate with the customers according to the circumstances.

Each office of the different region is furnished with an efficient help desk to answer all the queries of customers. To make services reliable and less time consuming, the department has decided to send all statutory documents by speed post. So as for now there is no need to wait for long time in transport office for your necessary documents.

In this article, we have given the information related to Andhra Pradesh RTO Codes as well as their addresses and phone numbers. The given information will enable you to directly interact with them.

From now onward troublesome issues of transport can be easily solved through several regional transport offices within very short time. So without wasting a single minute go to your nearby transport office and get the solution of all your queries after reading Andhra Pradesh RTO Codes, Addresses and Phone Numbers.

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