Andaman and Nicobar RTO Code, Phone Number, Address

Andaman and Nicobar RTO code refers the code district level transport office uses. Here we are providing the information of all prevailing RTO of the Andaman and Nicobar with respective addresses and phone numbers.

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Andaman and Nicobar RTO Code, Phone Number, Address

RTO CodeRTO NameRTO AddressPin CodePhone Number
AN01o/o The
Port Blair
Directorate of
Transport A & N
Port Blair,
A & N
74410103192 - 230225

Regional transport office in Andaman and Nicobar indulges in providing hassle free public transport system in the state. The basic objective of the department is associated with giving maximum satisfaction to the customer.

The number plate fixed in front and back side of every transport vehicle shows that particular vehicle is registered with certain district RTO office. Regional Transport Office issues the number.

Andaman and Nicobar RTO registration numbers start with the letters AN, the short form of Andaman and Nicobar state. Here AN also implies the state to which the particular vehicle is registered.

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