Amreli District Panchayat and Administrative officer Phone Number

In Amreli region district level officer looks after the administrative works. Panchayat performs the important function, role and duty in the region. Sanitation, drainage system, the supply of water, construction of Public Street, irrigation, health, education and others related works  look after by panchayat. In this article, we are mentioning Amreli district panchayat and administrative officer phone number one by one in tabular form.

Amreli District Panchayat Phone Number

S. No.DesignationPhoneEmail Id
1Principal Secretary (Development)
2Commissioner-of-Principal Secretary (Rural Development)
3Joint secretary service (charge)
4Deputy Secretary (Rural Development)
5Deputy Secretary (Establishment)
6Deputy Secretary (investigations, budgeting / integration)
7Secretary (Rural Development)
8Secretary (Coordination), IT / Budget /
9Gruhanirmana Secretary (ica)
10Secretary (3rd Report)232-57056
11PS to PS (Panchayat)
14Section Officer (h.)
15Section officer (b. Cell)
16Section Officer (B)232-51123
17Section Officer (e)
18Section Officer (D)
19Section Officer (that.)
20Section Officer (b)
21Section Officer (IT Cell)
22Section Officer (L)
23Section Officer (g)-
24Section Officer (P)
26Section Officer (M)
27Section Officer (N)
28Section Officer (a)
29Section Officer (AZ)
30Section Officer (b-1)232-51157
31Section Officer (b-ii)232-54551
32Registry charge232-51141
33Cash charge232-51140
34Commissioner, Principal Secretary232-59729
35Additional Commissioner232-53477
36M. D. GLPC232-48512
37Additional Commissioner232-53452
38Chief Conservator of Forests and Chief Executive Officer232-53454
39Deputy Conservator of Forests, Forest & Project Co ordinator275-57747
40Joint Director (Account)232-53491
41Deputy Commissioner232-53458
42Joint Director (Moni)232-53464
43Accounting Officer232-53478
44Accounting Officer232-52492
45Assistant Commissioner232-53468
46Assistant Commissioner232-53470
47Assistant Commissioner-
48Assistant Commissioner232-48515

Amreli District Administrative Officer Phone Number

S. No.DesignationOfficeMobileEmail ID
2Additional Development
3Deputy Development Commissioner232-54058-599426746313
4Deputy Development Commissioner232-54075-
5Chief Accounting
6Accounting Officer, class 1232-54066-
7Assistant Development Commissioner (Establishment and application)
8Assistant Development Commissioner (General)232-54072-
9Assistant Development Commissioner (Law / Branch)
10Assistant Development Commissioner (coordination, organization and methods. And general)
11Deputy Director (Planning)
12Citanisasri (Establishment)232-540709879030551
13Citanisasri (program)232-54062-
14Citanisasri (Panchayat)232-540619909915633
15Citanisasri (General)232-540719727763124
16Citanisasri (inspection program)232-540559898418633
17Accounting Officer (General)
18Accounting Officer (Sarvodaya)232-540579712484789
19Development Commissioner Secretary of the mystery232-5406823210841
20Additional Development Commissioner Secretary mystery232-540659426332481
21Deputy Development Commissioner said. A.232-540599426702926
22Deputy Development Commissioner said. A.232-5406823243680

In Amreli, Panchayat performs the important function in accordance with the guidelines. He also maintains the record of the population,  the survey of jobless person, the person below the poverty line and others related issues. Panchayat also maintains and establish the new school and develop education skill in the region. All administrative officers perform daily routine works for the development purpose in the district.

The above-written information in relation to Amreli district Panchayat  and administrative officer phone number are useful for the citizen of the district up to certain extent.  You can collect Amreli district panchayat number from the given table and instantly able to connect with them within minute.


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