All States PSC Phone Numbers

You will find all states PSC phone numbers for good of all. These numbers are helpful, especially for those, who are preparing for these prestigious exams. You would get that these numbers are very useful for all the students, who want to crack the commission exams. Most noteworthy, You could make a query about your exam dates, latest notification, and much more. The state public service commission is an autonomous body and therefore, it comes into existence according to the provisions of the Indian constitution.

Most of the students spend many years of his life competing for these exams and after many years of hard labor, they can able to crack these exams. Therefore, we are here to provide these important numbers for the welfare of students, which is available right here.

All States PSC Phone Numbers

S.NoName of StatePhone Number
1.Bihar PSC ( BPSC )0612 -2505525
0612 - 2504652
2.Rajasthan PSC ( RPSC ) 0145 - 5151200
0145 - 5151240
0145 - 5151090
3.West Bengal PSC ( WBPSC )033 - 24197715
033 - 24198187
033 - 24661540
4.Utter Pradesh PSC
0532 - 2407215
5.Madhya Pradesh PSC ( MPPSC )0731 - 270 0406
6.Orissa PSC ( OPSC )0671 - 230 4141
7.Andhra Pradesh Psc
040 - 24603493
040 - 24603495
8.Gujrat PSC ( GPSC )079 - 2325 8980
9.Maharashtra PSC
( MPSC )
022 - 2279 5900
10.Punjab PSC ( PPSC )0175 - 501 4849
11.J & K PSC (JKPSC ) 0194 - 2310369
12.Himachal PSC
( HPSC )
0177 - 545 0486
13.Kerala PSC ( KPSC ) 0483 - 2734308
0491 - 2505398
14.Uttarakhand PSC
( UPSC )
01334 - 240 606
15.Chhattisgarh PSC
( CPSC )
0771 - 23 31204
16.Hariyana PSC ( HPSC )0172 - 256 0755
17.Andhra pradesh PSC
040 - 24603493
040 - 24603495
18.Tamilnadu PSC
( TPSC )
044 - 2530 0300
19.Goa PSC ( GPSC )0832 - 2226687
0832 - 2223507
20.Telangana PSC ( TSPSC )040 - 2465 5555
21.Assam PSC ( APSC )0361 - 236 5426
22.Mizoram PSC( MPSC )0389 - 233 5820
23.Meghalaya PSC
0364 - 2222025
24.Tripura PSC ( TPPSC )0381 - 232 5811
25.Manipur PSC
0385 - 242 3035
26.Nagaland PSC
( NPSC )
0370 - 2271480
27.Karnataka PSC
080 - 30574957

However, every state commission has its own schedule and exam calendar as per rules and regulations. But these numbers are helpful for the candidates of all states. The State public service commission is responsible for the recruitments for their own state. They make sure that the process should be transparent and impartial.

The state commission organized exams for various posts for their own state. The commission recruits officers like SDM, ADM, BDO, CO, DEO, etc. These officers work for their state under the supervision of DM.  They deal with the administration at a primary level. After 15- 20 years, they get promoted to an IAS officer.

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