All Doctors Tilak Nagar Jaipur Phone Numbers

In Tilak Nagar Jaipur, Doctors like Dr. Chandra Shekhar, Dr. Sandeep Juneja, Dr. Dinesh Agarwal, Dr. Arun Bhargava, Dr. Namita Kotia, Dr. R M Sahai, Dr. Anupam Chaturvedi specialists in the field of Pathology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Gynecology, Ophthalmology are running their clinics. We are presenting here a list having All Doctors Tilak Nagar Jaipur Phone Numbers. So follow the list.

All Doctors Tilak Nagar Jaipur Phone Numbers

S.No.Name / ClinicSpecialistContact
1.Dr. Sharda Kumar SinghalAnesthesiology(0141) 2623179
2.Dr. Sunil SaxenaAnesthesiology(0141) 2622812
3.Dr. Vijendra SharmaAnesthesiology(0141) 2620424
4.Dr. Sandeep JunejaCardiology (0141) 2563743
5.Dr. Sanjiv GuptaCardiology (0141) 2623772
6.Dr. Dinesh AgarwalGastroenterology(0141) 2621492
7.Dr. Arun BhargavaGeneral Surgery(0141) 2623366
8.Dr. D K KasliwalGeneral Surgery(0141) 2620610
9.Dr. Mukesh SharmaGeneral Surgery(0141) 2621132
10.Dr. Namita KotiaGynecology(0141) 2370271
11.Dr. Pankaj SharmaOphthalmology (0141) 2623484
12.Dr. R M SahaiOphthalmology (0141) 2622444
13.Dr. Vibha KhareOphthalmology (0141) 2622283
14.Dr. Madhav UpadhyayOrthopaedics (0141) 2621500
15.Dr. Anupam ChaturvediPaediatrics (0141) 2621530
16.Dr. Deepak ShivpuriPaediatrics (0141) 2621575
17.Dr. Kuldeep SahaiPaediatrics (0141) 2622282
18.Dr. Chandra ShekharPathology(0141) 2621247
19.Dr. Ram Jas AgarwalPaediatrics (0141) 2623400
20.Dr. R P JoharPhysiatrists(0141) 2620345
21.Dr. Anoop MehtaUltrasonologiest(0141) 5036448
22.Dr. Amit KotiaUrology(0141) 2620375
23.Dr. Sunil SaxenaAcupuncture &
(0141) 2623401

Using All Doctors Tilak Nagar Jaipur Phone Numbers you can book an appointment, get an advance number from anywhere and anytime. Before taking consulting them you decide first which will be the best doctor for you according to the disease you are suffering from. Then note his phone number and call them.

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