Doctors (physicians and surgeons) practicing in Hawa Sadak Jaipur whether running their own clinics or working in Hospitals are serving people through treating the patients having different types of diseases. In this location Dr. Rajesh Sharma, Dr. Kailash Rai, Dr. Chhitra Mal Agarwal, Dr. Rachna Budania, Dr. Kusun Satsangi, Dr. Ashwani belong to the respective fields Anesthesiology, ENT, General Surgery, Gynecology, Pathology, Radiology. Here we are providing All Doctors Hawa Sadak Jaipur Phone Numbers. See the list below.
All Doctors Hawa Sadak Jaipur Phone Numbers
S.No. | Name | Specialist | Contact |
1. | Dr. Rajesh Sharma | Anesthesiology | (0141) 2212213 |
2. | Dr. Deependra Bhatnagar | Cardiology | (0141) 2211786 |
3. | Dr. Kailash Rai | ENT | (0141) 2211461 |
4. | Dr. Chhitra Mal Agarwal | General Surgery | (0141) 2211152 |
5. | Dr. G S Sharma | General Surgery | (0141) 2213054 |
6. | Dr. Rachna Budania | Gynecology | (0141) 2210734 |
7. | Dr. A K Sharma | Homeopathy | (0141) 2213837 |
8. | Dr. Mahendra Singh Shekhawat | Paediatrics | (0141) 2213743 |
9. | Dr. Kusun Satsangi | Pathology | (0141) 2229725 |
10. | Dr. Ashwani | Radiology | (0141) 2296572 |
11. | Dr. Ganga Singh | Speech & Hearing Disorders | (0141) 2212537 |
At present every human is suffering from some kind of disease. Some people have diabetes, some have blood pressure and so on. In this situation if having phone numbers of doctors makes your life quite easy. If you live in Hawa Sadak area or anywhere in Jaipur you can get treatment from the doctors through the phone numbers listed above.