All Doctors Durgapura Jaipur Phone Numbers

In Durgapura Jaipur, Doctors such as Dr. S. L. Sharma, Dr. Shyam Behari Sharma and Dr. A K Singh related to Orthopaedics, Pediatrics and Nephrology are practicing  in different clinics and hospitals. If you want Doctors Durgapura Jaipur Phone Numbers of any of these doctors go to the list given below. We have written Doctors in Jagatpura Jaipur Phone Numbers With Specializations which can also meet your requirement.

Doctors Durgapura Jaipur Phone Numbers

1.Dr. Anita BhandariENT(0141) 2552311
2.Dr. A K SinghNephrology
(Kidney Specialist)
(0141) 2722978
3.Dr. S K PareekNephrology
(Kidney Specialist)
(0141) 2552616
4.Dr. S L SharmaOrthopaedics
(Bone Specialists)
(0141) 2550624
5.Dr. Shyam Behari SharmaPaediatrics
(Child Specialists)
(0141) 2723456

If you want an appointment or meet with any of these doctors for any purpose use the phone numbers to and call them. Nowadays diseases are spreading all over and most of the people are undergoing different kinds of illness. Doctors have come forth as a god for them. The Doctors Durgapura Jaipur Phone Numbers can work as messengers for you.

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