All Doctors Civil Lines Jaipur Phone Numbers

In Civil Lines Jaipur, many doctors are treating patients having various kinds of diseases. In these doctors, some are Dr. S. P. Sudrania, Dr. Chandra Mohan Sharma, Dr. Onkar Saxena, Dr. S. K. Sharma, Dr. Sukesh Tandon who have specializations in Paediatrics, Neurology, General Surgery, Diabetes, Ophthalmology. We are writing All Doctors Civil Lines Jaipur Phone Numbers here. Read the underneath table.

All Doctors Civil Lines Jaipur Phone Numbers

1.Dr. Sanjeev Dev GarhaHeart Disease(0141) 2225506
2.Nikhil D ParikhCardiology (0141) 2226845
3.Dr. S K SharmaDiabetes(0141) 2229335
4.Dr. Surendra Kumar SharmaEndocrinology,
Metabolish & Diabetology
(0141) 2229335
5.Dr. Onkar SaxenaGeneral Surgery(0141) 2223765
6.Dr. FaiyazGynecology(0141) 2222160
7.Dr. Chandra Mohan SharmaNeurology(0141) 2225684
8.Dr. Meenakshi TandonOphthalmology (0141) 2222855
9.Dr. Sukesh TandonOphthalmology (0141) 2221855
10.Dr. Narpat SinghPaediatrics (0141) 2220088
11.Dr. S P SudraniaPaediatrics (0141) 2224800
12.Dr. Narendra SinghalPhysiotherapist,
clinical research
(0141) 9929959070
13.Dr. S K. ChaturvediAnesthesiology(0141) 2222433
14.Dr.V. NagpalAcupuncture & Acupressure(0141) 2226848
15.Dr. C.L.NagpalAcupuncture & Acupressure(0141) 2226848

You can get Doctors Ajmer Road Jaipur Phone Numbers from here.

If you need to consult, take an appointment, advance number All Doctors Civil Lines Jaipur Phone Numbers will help you. The phone numbers can help you to find time schedule, operation timings also.

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