Alappuzha District, Kerala Phone Number – Deputy Collector, Director, Commissioner

1.Deputy Collector (Election)(0477) 2251801
2.Deputy Collector (L.R)(0477) 2251675
3.Deputy Collector (L.A)(0477) 2251675
4.Deputy Collector (R.R.)(0477) 2251676
5.Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax(0477) 2245751
6.Deputy Director
of Education
(0477) 2252908
7.Deputy Director
of Fisheries
(0477) 2251103
8.Deputy Director
of Local Fund
(0477) 2252753
9.Deputy Director
of National Savings
(0477) 2251693
10.Deputy Director
of Panchayat
(0477) 2251599

Introduction of District Alappuzha state Kerala : – The district of Alappuzha is a landmark between the broad Arabian Sea and a web of rivers pass through it. Kuttanda is popular as a rice Bowl of the Kerala State with an unending exertion of paddy fields. This area has canals and small streams along with pulpy coconut tree. In the middle age Alappuzha had trade connections with an ancient Greece and Rome. It is bounded by the Arabian sea to the west of the district and therefore it has a broad web of various fresh water rivers, lakes, and lagoons. The ideal period for visiting this place during the months of July to September. Paddy and prawn farming are the base of the economics of this district.

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